Thursday, April 23, 2009

Authenticity of YOU

The explosion of the consumer culture has yielded an enormous degree of personal control and a staggering amount of choices. The need to constantly prop up a self-constructed image of oneself requires constant tending. It’s both time-consuming and addictive.

The paradox is that the world has never seemed more about us, yet many are lonely, unsatisfied, and not sure of their identity and place in this world.

There have never been as many choices and voices telling you why and what you should choose. Many people have a vested interest in their own agendas, not necessarily you and your ideas. In addition, choosing certain friends can be very externally affirming but may very well be a poor choice for you. So how do you put the YOU back in YOUR life? Well, in some ways it is not as complex as we think.

- Know who you are- honestly and with clarity
- Trust your perspective and make courageous choices
- Surround yourself with quality people who are genuinely interested in you

Here is the deal - when you are true to yourself in a healthy way, you win and so does everyone around you. You actually don’t have to “fake it till you make it.” When you are true to yourself, love, friends, success and career satisfaction will be much easier and more natural. You will not feel a constant need to chase more of this or that. The answer lies with knowing, accepting and being true to your own identity. It lies with not allowing, family, friends, coworkers, schools, brands, companies, or even job titles to define who you are:


The benefit? Authenticity of YOU

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